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PerkinElmer TG-IR-GC/MS

TG-IR-GC/MS: Thermogravimetric - Infrared - Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry

Hyphenating TG-IR-GC/MS is a powerful approach for analysis of an unknown mixture to determine its primary components and identify additives or contaminants. This information may be needed to evaluate a competitor’s product, determine compliance with regulations, or understand a material’s composition. The TG-IR-GC/MS configuration enables TG-IR-GC/MS analysis on a sample by moving every component in the off gases to the FT-IR and/or GC/MS after their evolution in the TGA while maintaining complete sample integrity.


A few advantages of this system include:

  • Performance- all the benefits of individual TG-IR and TG-GC/MS systems
  • Ability to collect real-time FT-IR data while carrying out the survey scan used to GC/MS data collection
  • Possibility of using each technique as stand-alone or in any combination
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